CONTEXT IS KING When you’re communicating digitally, you never quite know what the other person is doing at that moment. They might be at their desk just like you are, or they may be fantically rushing to a sales meeting, only responding “Yes” to your question and not elaboating because they don’t have time. Without understanding the other person’s context, you might think that person doesn’t care about the issue you brought up, when they’re really just running to catch a cab in San Fancisco (good luck with that). With the information on that person’s context, all of a sudden, the cut answers make sense: It’s not that your coworker doesn’t care, they are just indisposed at the moment. Prefacing communication with your context can really help to prevent any miscommunication when things are out of the ordinay. Let team members know when you are heads down on a project and can’t respond to questions right away. Over communicating is always better than making assumptions. Tools can mask the ” intention and humanity of the “ people involved. 10 ”

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